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What is Freelancing? Here's a Quick Guide

Siti Hasanah
By Siti Hasanah

Last update on May 16, 2024 · 3 min read

The idea of working is always evolving and in recent times - we have seen a positive trend in freelance professionals entering the market. Are you intrigued by the concept of freelancing? Perhaps you've heard about it but aren't quite sure what it entails. In this quick guide, we'll delve into the world of freelancing, exploring its definition, why people do it, and key points you should know before joining the freelance workforce.

What is Freelancing?

Simply put, freelancing refers to a work arrangement where individuals offer their services to clients on a contractual basis, rather than being employed by a single employer. This arrangement allows freelancers to have more control over their work schedule, projects, and clients, providing greater flexibility and autonomy in their careers.

Did you know that freelancing is becoming increasingly popular around the world? In Asia, for example, a significant portion of the workforce engages in freelancing, with estimates suggesting that around 35% of the workforce in countries like India and the Philippines are freelancers. Similarly, in the USA, freelancers make up about 36% of the workforce, according to data from the Freelancers Union. This surge in freelancing is evident across various industries, including technology, creative arts, marketing, and more.

Freelancing in Energy - Is it Worthwhile?

Now, let's turn our attention to freelancing in the energy sector. You might wonder if freelancing is viable in such a specialised industry. Well, the answer is a resounding yes! In the energy sector, there are plenty of opportunities for freelancers, particularly in areas like design/drafting, consulting, project management, and technical writing. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field, freelancing can offer a pathway to meaningful work and career growth.

Top 5 Reasons Why People Freelance

However, as with any other form of employment - it comes with its own set of challenges such as securing projects, cashflow management and etc. So, what motivates individuals to pursue freelancing? Here are five compelling reasons:

  1. Flexibility: Freelancing allows individuals to set their own schedule, choose their projects, and work from anywhere in the world. This flexibility is particularly appealing to those who value work-life balance and autonomy.
  2. Variety of Work: As a freelancer, you have the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects and with different clients. This variety keeps things interesting and allows freelancers to continuously learn and grow in their skills and expertise.
  3. Higher Earning Potential: Depending on your skills and experience, freelancing can offer higher earning potential compared to traditional employment. With the ability to set your rates and take on multiple projects simultaneously, freelancers can often command higher fees for their services.
  4. Independence: Freelancing allows individuals to be their own boss and take control of their career path. This independence enables freelancers to pursue projects that align with their interests and values, without having to answer to a higher authority.
  5. Global Opportunities: With the rise of remote work and digital technology, freelancers can access a global marketplace for their services. This opens up a world of opportunities to collaborate with clients from different countries and cultures, expanding their professional network and experiences.

Important Things to Know

While freelancing offers many benefits, it's essential to be aware of some key considerations:

  • Back-to-back Payment: You may receive payment later than what you're typically used to as an employee. As a freelancer, you could ensure clear payment terms and agreements with clients to avoid payment delays or disputes.
  • Remote Work and Hours: Working remotely comes with its own set of challenges, including managing time zones, communicating, and staying motivated. It's crucial for freelancers to establish effective remote work practices to maintain productivity and meet deadlines. Word of advice? Seek out free tools that could help your productivity such as Asana or Notion.
  • Time Management: Freelancers must excel in time management to juggle multiple projects, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Tax Declaration: Freelancers are responsible for managing their taxes, including income tax, self-employment tax, and any other relevant taxes based on their country's regulations. It's advisable to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Depending on the nature of the work, freelancers may be required to sign NDAs to protect confidential information shared by clients.
  • Freelance Registration: Most countries may require freelancers to register their freelance business or obtain relevant licenses or permits. It's essential to research and comply with the legal requirements in your country or jurisdiction. For Malaysians, you can register your business entity at https://ezbiz.ssm.com.my/?0.


Freelancing offers opportunities for individuals seeking flexibility, independence, and professional growth. Whether you're an experienced professional or just beginning a career, freelancing in the energy sector can be a rewarding and fulfilling career path. By understanding the fundamentals of freelancing, honing your skills, and staying informed about industry trends, you can embark on a successful freelance journey and thrive in the dynamic world of energy.

With a building network of global clients in the energy field, create an account at https://treelancers.trees-engineering.com/ and find the best-fit projects, tailored to your exact skill sets.